Academic & Administrative Logos
Texas State has a logo system that allows for identification of academic and administrative units. The logo makes the unit's relationship with the university clear while also maintaining the Texas State brand.
Named colleges and centers, such as the McCoy College of Business and the Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, may have their own unique logos.
Programs are not allowed to create their own logos. Instead, a program should use an Academic and Administrative Logo of a related unit, such as a department or college, and include the program name in text on the marketing piece.
If you would like to request a logo or have questions about logos, please contact us.
Logo Types
Serif and Sans serif
Both serif and sans serif versions of the Academic and Administrative logos have been created. Though they are interchangeable, the sans serif versions should be used when greater legibility is required, such as with embroidery or on pieces that will be seen from a distance.

Alternate Colors
- Multiple approved color options are available.
- You must make sure background colors or photos provide enough contrast with logos.

Logo Requirements
Minimum size
- The logos must be at least 1.5 inches wide.
Clear space
- Use .25 inches of clear space when your logo is 1.5 inches to 2.5 inches wide.
- Use the letter x-height to determine clear space when your logo is larger than 2.5 inches wide.

Events and Promotions
When multiple departments are sponsoring an event, do not use multiple Academic and Administrative logos. Instead, use the Texas State University Primary Logo and list the sponsoring departments in text.