Typography is a key part of our visual identity. Our three families of fonts give us flexibility and consistency when communicating across a wide range of media.

Halis Grotesque
- Primary brand font
- Recommended for large display copy like headlines, subheadlines, and callouts
- Always use in ALL CAPS
- Typeface used throughout the Calico template
Font Licensing Information
Download and license available for purchase from Fontspring
Alternate font
Brandon Grotesque is a free alternative to Halis Grotesque and is available through Adobe Fonts.
- Make sure you have Adobe Creative Cloud installed and that you're logged in
- Go to this Adobe Fonts Brandon Grotesque page
- Click activate fonts
- The fonts should be available across your desktop apps, including Microsoft products like Word and PowerPoint (you may need to restart your apps to see the font)

Nunito Sans
- Secondary brand font
- Recommended for paragraph text
- Bold text should only be used to emphasize something of importance. It should not be used for an entire paragraph.
Font Licensing Information
Download available for free from Google fonts

Roboto Mono
- Tertiary brand font
- Recommended for small, detail-oriented information like captions, URLs, and call-to-action copy
- Tracking (spacing between letters) of font should be +200
Font Licensing Information
Download available for free from Google fonts