TXST Athletic Logo
The TXST Logo is a way to represent Texas State's unique spirit and pride.
The logo is a registered service mark.

TXST Banner Logos
- The TXST Banner logos may not be substituted for the Texas State University Primary Logo.
- TXST Banner logos should be used for audiences who are not familiar with Texas State.
- The logo is a registered service mark.

Alternate Colors
- Multiple approved color options are available.
- You must make sure background colors or photos provide enough contrast with logos.

Minimum size
- The logos must be at least 1.5 inches wide.
Clear space
- Use .25 inches of clear space when your logo is 1.5 inches to 2.5 inches wide.
- Use 1/3 the height of the logo when your logo is larger than 2.5 inches.
System statement artwork
- The system statement artwork is not required on pieces using only a TXST logo.
Clear Space

Clear space inches

Clear space x-height
Unapproved Logo Styles and Usages
Any variation or alteration of the registered trademark is strictly prohibited by law.

Don't add drop shadows.

Don't create your own banners.

Don't use unapproved colors.

Don't add patterns to the logo.

Don't make the white fill transparent.

Don't modify or remove elements of the logo.

Don't resize without maintaining proportions.